Dr. Teresita (Terri) M Stutzke, Psy D is a Psychologist - General, Psychologist - Clinical practicing in Goodyear, AZ
She has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
Dr. Teresita (Terri) M Stutzke, Psy D has not yet indicated the hospitals that she is affiliated with.
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Teresita (Terri) M Stutzke, Psy D has not yet listed the medications that she commonly prescribes.
Dr. Teresita (Terri) M Stutzke, Psy D has not yet added any information about her practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Extremely helpful, resourceful clinical psychologist”
Dr. Stutzke is extremely supportive and knowledgeable. She has been treating me for anxiety, depression, and recovery from emotional/physical/sexual abuse. Her expertise in these areas has zeroed in on my needs and quickened my healing. I highly recommend her.
Comment - “ Extremely helpful, resourceful clinical psychologist ”
Dr. Stutzke is extremely supportive and knowledgeable. She has been treating me for anxiety, depression, and recovery from emotional/physical/sexual abuse. Her expertise in these areas has zeroed in on my needs and quickened my healing. I highly recommend her.