Dr. Frank Spano, MD is a Internist - General practicing in Trumbull, CT
He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
University | Degree | Focus | Graduated |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University | Medical Degree | 1984 |
Institution | Focus | Year |
Internship - Jacobi Medical Center | 1988 | |
Residency - Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Internal Medicine | Not Specified | |
Residency - Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center Program | Not Specified |
Certification | Cert. Body | Year |
Internal medicine | Internal Medicine | Not Specified |
Dr. Frank Spano, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Internal Medicine
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Frank Spano, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. Frank Spano, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Termination of service withut giving the rason”
He crossed me out from the list of his patients without giving a reason. Because of that I was automatically
not authorized anymore to get services from other doctors
from the same group. In fact I was forced to look and change not only primary doctors but also specialists which I need too in the same time. In other countries such action would be justiffied only in case of commitment criminal act by the patient in doctor's office. What we have here is like making patient (me) feel like crimina...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ Termination of service withut giving the rason ”
He crossed me out from the list of his patients without giving a reason. Because of that I was automatically not authorized anymore to get services from other doctors from the same group. In fact I was forced to look and change not only primary doctors but also specialists which I need too in the same time. In other countries such action would be justiffied only in case of commitment criminal act by the patient in doctor's office. What we have here is like making patient (me) feel like crimina...