Dr. David A Goldfarb, MD is a Urologist - General practicing in Honolulu, HI
He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
University | Degree | Focus | Graduated |
Temple Univeristy School of Medicine | Other Degree | 1985 | |
Temple University School Of Medicine | Medical Degree | 1985 |
Institution | Focus | Year |
Residency - Cleveland Clinic Fndn, Urology | Not Specified | |
Residency - Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Not Specified |
Certification | Cert. Body | Year |
Urology | Urology | Not Specified |
Dr. David A Goldfarb, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Years In Practice: 36 (started in 1988)
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. David A Goldfarb, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. David A Goldfarb, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Cindy Greiner”
Did a kidney transplant on my son. The donor doctor injured my sister-in-law and rhe donor kideny at the same time. Goldfarb then proceded to put the dying kidney in my son anyway and make more surgical errors in the process, such as wrong stitches etc. When the kidney was dying inside my son, he never stepped forward to admit his mistake, and left my son to go through painful procedures when he knew the kidney was dead anyway. The end result was that the kidney was septic and ready to break ap...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ Cindy Greiner ”
Did a kidney transplant on my son. The donor doctor injured my sister-in-law and rhe donor kideny at the same time. Goldfarb then proceded to put the dying kidney in my son anyway and make more surgical errors in the process, such as wrong stitches etc. When the kidney was dying inside my son, he never stepped forward to admit his mistake, and left my son to go through painful procedures when he knew the kidney was dead anyway. The end result was that the kidney was septic and ready to break ap...