Dr. Sadir Jumaa Alrawi, MD is a Surgeon - General practicing in Jacksonville, FL
He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
Institution | Focus | Year |
Residency - Maimonides Medical Center, General Surgery | Not Specified |
Certification | Cert. Body | Year |
Surgery | Surgery | Not Specified |
Dr. Sadir Jumaa Alrawi, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Years In Practice: 32 (started in 1992)
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Sadir Jumaa Alrawi, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. Sadir Jumaa Alrawi, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
Sadir J Alrawi, MD - 7751 Baymeadows Rd E
“Best Doctor in Oncology”
I would highly recommend Dr Sadir Alrawi, he is a very skilled Dr and his knowledge is very broad in any kind of cancer cases. I had the best experience and treatment with Dr Sadir and his amazing team at Burjeel medical City.
Thank Doctor Sadir alrawi and his team
Sadir J Alrawi, MD - 7751 Baymeadows Rd E
Dr. Alrawi might come across as a bit blunt in his honest and confident remarks. This stems mainly from his level of experience and no patience to lose time. While other doctors were trying to comfort me about a hard tissue in my lip, Dr. Alrawi, upon touching my lip, immediately told me that "it is cancer with a probability of 80 to 90%". I have to admit that I was a bit blown away and did not appreciate him pronouncing the "c" word so easily.
“No time to lose”
Dr. Alrawi might come across as a bit blunt in his honest and confident remarks. This stems mainly from his level of experience and no patience to lose time.
While other doctors were trying to comfort me about a hard tissue in my lip, Dr. Alrawi, upon touching my lip, immediately told me that "it is cancer with a probability of 80 to 90%". I have to admit that I was a bit blown away and did not appreciate him pronouncing the "c" word so easily.
Sadir J Alrawi, MD - 7751 Baymeadows Rd E
Excellent service and oncology team I would like to thank Dr Sadir Jumaa Alrawi and his team at Al Zahra hospital , l am so happy with the service and care I received.
“Best cancer center”
Excellent service and oncology team
I would like to thank Dr Sadir Jumaa Alrawi and his team at Al Zahra hospital , l am so happy with the service and care I received.
Sadir J Alrawi, MD - 7751 Baymeadows Rd E
Dr. Sadir Al Rawi is an excellent Doctor. He is very clear with explanation and treatment, he has a great Outstanding knowledge and caring for his patients. I am very pleased with the care that I receive from Dr. Sadir and all of the other staff. Thank you... I am recommending him and his colleagues to all, he is a perfect example for all other doctors to follow... Thank You.. Sirar Hoshyar
“Dr. Sadir Al Rawi is an Excellent Doctor.”
Dr. Sadir Al Rawi is an excellent Doctor. He is very clear with explanation and treatment, he has a great Outstanding knowledge and caring for his patients.
I am very pleased with the care that I receive from Dr. Sadir and all of the other staff. Thank you...
I am recommending him and his colleagues to all, he is a perfect example for all other doctors to follow...
Thank You..
Sirar Hoshyar
Sadir J Alrawi, MD - 7751 Baymeadows Rd E
Great surgeon
“Great center”
Great surgeon
Comment - “ Best Doctor in Oncology ”
I would highly recommend Dr Sadir Alrawi, he is a very skilled Dr and his knowledge is very broad in any kind of cancer cases. I had the best experience and treatment with Dr Sadir and his amazing team at Burjeel medical City. Thank Doctor Sadir alrawi and his team