Dr. Rocco Bassora, MD is a Sports Medicine Specialist - General practicing in Montvale, NJ
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He performed shoulder surgery on me and the results couldn't be better. He has great skill as a surgeon and is professional and yet very personable. My progress in therapy has been extremely good. I do my exercises faithfully, but I first credit a wonderful surgeon for giving me the quality surgery that I can build on with …
Dr. Rocco Bassora, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with.
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Rocco Bassora, MD has not yet listed the medications that he commonly prescribes.
Dr. Rocco Bassora, MD has not yet added any information about his practice's billing policies and payment options.
Rothman Orthopaedics - 305 W Grand Avenue Suite 900
“A Wonderful Doctor”
He performed shoulder surgery on me and the results couldn't be better. He has great skill as a surgeon and is professional and yet very personable. My progress in therapy has been extremely good. I do my exercises faithfully, but I first credit a wonderful surgeon for giving me the quality surgery that I can build on with therapy. And I didn't need to travel to NYC to get this kind of quality care. Thank you Dr Bassora.
I have had terrible knee pain for as long as I can remember,and have gone to numerous orthopedists which have basically given me the run around, saying it was just arthritis. Dr. Bassora actually "examined" my knee, unlike many others, and determined that I had a cartlige tear. He ordered an MRI and ultimately operated on my knee. I couldn't be happier with the results. I am able to do many of the things I couldn't do before and am pain free thanks to him. He was highly recommended to me by a...
“Excellent Experience”
I have had terrible knee pain for as long as I can remember,and have gone to numerous orthopedists which have basically given me the run around, saying it was just arthritis. Dr. Bassora actually "examined" my knee, unlike many others, and determined that I had a cartlige tear. He ordered an MRI and ultimately operated on my knee. I couldn't be happier with the results. I am able to do many of the things I couldn't do before and am pain free thanks to him. He was highly recommended to me by a...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
I have had shoulder pain for over 3 years after an injury. I went to multiple doctors and no one seemed to figure out why I was experiencing so much pain. Dr Bassora examined me and told me that I likely tore tendons in my shoulder and ordered an MRI. I ended up having a tear and had surgery to fix it. Let me tell you, I have not felt pain free like I do now, in over 3 years! I had pain relief immediately after surgery and can do the things I used to do. Rehab was long but worth it.
“Positive Experience”
I have had shoulder pain for over 3 years after an injury. I went to multiple doctors and no one seemed to figure out why I was experiencing so much pain. Dr Bassora examined me and told me that I likely tore tendons in my shoulder and ordered an MRI. I ended up having a tear and had surgery to fix it. Let me tell you, I have not felt pain free like I do now, in over 3 years! I had pain relief immediately after surgery and can do the things I used to do. Rehab was long but worth it. Original review on DoctorsDig.com
I went to this Doctor while in severe severe pain. I had an old shoulder inury and woke up with shooting pains from my shoulder to my hand and could not move my arm. I wanted an MRI to see if I tore my shoulder more or what the problem was. I was hysterically crying in pain (and I'm NOT a cryer). He asked a few questions looked at my shoulder & said I had frozen shoulder, would be in pain for a month, out of work for a month & it may take a year or longer to fully recover. I was so upset with th...
I went to this Doctor while in severe severe pain. I had an old shoulder inury and woke up with shooting pains from my shoulder to my hand and could not move my arm. I wanted an MRI to see if I tore my shoulder more or what the problem was. I was hysterically crying in pain (and I'm NOT a cryer). He asked a few questions looked at my shoulder & said I had frozen shoulder, would be in pain for a month, out of work for a month & it may take a year or longer to fully recover. I was so upset with th...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ A Wonderful Doctor ”
He performed shoulder surgery on me and the results couldn't be better. He has great skill as a surgeon and is professional and yet very personable. My progress in therapy has been extremely good. I do my exercises faithfully, but I first credit a wonderful surgeon for giving me the quality surgery that I can build on with therapy. And I didn't need to travel to NYC to get this kind of quality care. Thank you Dr Bassora.