Dr. Julie H Hurley, DO is a Family Doctor - General practicing in Rockport, ME
She has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
Dr. Julie H Hurley, DO has not yet indicated the hospitals that she is affiliated with.
Years In Practice: 16 (started in 2008)
Accepts New Patients: Yes
Dr. Julie H Hurley, DO has not yet listed the medications that she commonly prescribes.
Dr. Julie H Hurley, DO has not yet added any information about her practice's billing policies and payment options.
“Former Patient-unhappy with care”
I am a former patient of Dr. Hurley, when she practiced at Belgrade Regional Family Care in Belgrade, Maine. I have not seen her since she left that practice, so this review is in no way a reflection of the Rockland practice, I am only reviewing Dr. Julie Hurley as a provider.
Dr. Hurley was a fairly new provider when I saw her. I was never comfortable seeing her and had no trust in her abilities. I found her to be rude and uncaring. She barely listened to anything I said, and would push me o...Original review on DoctorsDig.com
Comment - “ Former Patient-unhappy with care ”
I am a former patient of Dr. Hurley, when she practiced at Belgrade Regional Family Care in Belgrade, Maine. I have not seen her since she left that practice, so this review is in no way a reflection of the Rockland practice, I am only reviewing Dr. Julie Hurley as a provider. Dr. Hurley was a fairly new provider when I saw her. I was never comfortable seeing her and had no trust in her abilities. I found her to be rude and uncaring. She barely listened to anything I said, and would push me o...